Archive for June, 2008

Bootylicious On the Move!!

Posted in Life with tags , , , on June 18, 2008 by O.

In order to better serve the readers of this blog, I have moved to a new home. The new site will have all of the same types posts as well as some added features. I am very excited about this new undertaking and I hope that you will join me as I grow. Please feel free to visit me at or just click the link The Diva Muse and thank you so much for stopping by.

The Diva Muse

Views On Virtue

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 17, 2008 by O.

It never ceases to amaze me how, as much as we are alike as people, we are also very different. And I am always equally amazed at how the opinions of others will vary widely based on the individual experiences.

I was reading through an online discussion on staying pure until marriage. A very young woman was expressing how she wanted to wait until marriage to make sex sacred between herself and the man that she planned on spending the rest of her life with. She went on to say that although she is not a virgin, she realigned her thinking and has been celibate and plans on remaining that way until God sends her the man that will complete her.

I admire her sentiments, but I couldn’t help but think of how absolutely different her life and her decisions have been from my own. How I am sure her experiences have also been different from mine, and how those experiences have played such a large part in shaping who we have become.

After reading this, I couldn’t help but wonder how different my life would have been if I had been given the luxury of remaining a virgin until marriage and honestly, I don’t have any real concept of what that could possibly be like. You see, I didn’t have the option of choosing to be a virgin until marriage since my virginity, innocence, and childhood were taken away from me by the time I was 13.

Sex has been a dominant and constant theme throughout my life since I was about 7 years old. I was introduced to it too young, too soon, and with way too much detail for a child of that age. It has been all around me and thrust upon me eversince I can remember. The fact that I have any concept of what a healthy outlook on sex should be is nothing short of a miracle.

Still, I would be less than honest if I said that my past had absolutely no affect on my present. In other words, I wish that I could view sex as something sacred, but early exposure to it as well as the infidelities that I have witnessed have jaded me and tarnished my views in such depth, that I am almost numb when it comes to feelings about sex. Unlike many women I know, I don’t view my vagina as direct route to my heart. I guess that the ability to detach sex from love makes me in some ways like a man.

Somewhere along the line, I discounted the importance of virtue believing that if I chose to give it away when I wanted to meant that I was in charge. I found power in my ability to be openly sexual and adept at it. It in essence was my own personal art form for most of my life. It never occurred to me that I could also choose not do it, be celibate, once it had been taken away I guess deep down inside, I believed that if it could be taken away so easily, then it was something that I probably wasn’t meant to have.

When I realized as I got older that I had truly been violated and that something so precious was taken away from me, instead of shutting down and viewing sex as shameful, I became even more open minded and tolerant. I was not promiscuous by the standards of most but I was far from innocent. I have come to realize that I just don’t have a lot of the hangups that people do about sex and I really don’t know how to feel about that sometimes. I truly still struggle with thoughts of what is acceptable to many and what I feel to be true on the inside. The two worlds have collided privately in my mind and the online discussion has brought it to the forefront, at least for today.

I do know that if I believed that I had the option of being celibate as a way of reclaiming my virginity life would have been very different for me. Perhaps I would not have gotten married so young, or maybe I would have not experienced some of the intimacy issues that I have faced and am still facing. I don’t know that I would view sex as sacred though because strong views and opinions about it were instilled in me at such and early age an it is hard for me to see beyond that. If you believe something to be natural, it is very difficult to see the negative side of it.

I commend the young lady for standing by her convictions and I thank her for sharing them and offering the opportunity for me to step out of my own experiences for a moment and see things a different way. However, I also don’t regret the things that I have experienced in my life, the decisions that I have made, and the views that I have when it comes to sex, right or wrong. All of these things, the good and the bad, have contributed to making me who I am today, a perfectly flawed, sexually aware, beautiful and loving woman. And for my life, I truly wouldn’t have it any other way.

On Being a Courtesan

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 16, 2008 by O.

A few days ago, I was checking out different blogs about women when I came across a whole group of blogs dealing with the topic of being a Courtesan.  It was fascinating to skim through the different blogs and take a sneak peek into the minds of different women who have used this profession as a way of making their living.

Without getting into the morality of the subject because I am sure the debate could go on and on about whether it’s right or wrong.  Or the fact that some believe that the word courtesan is just a fancy way of saying prostitute. I have often wondered, if it is something that I could do.  Well, I know it is something that I could do, but is it something that I would do?

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Obama Baby Mama? Are They Serious?

Posted in Life, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2008 by O.

by Katie Fretland and updated

A Fox News anchor faced backlash recently for characterizing Barack and Michelle Obama’s fist bump as possibly a “terrorist fist jab.” Now during a segment the network has displayed a screen referring to the wife of the presumptive democratic nominee as his “baby mama.”

The screen was displayed beneath a segment in which anchor Megyn Kelly interviewed Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger. The segment discussed a conservative group’s planned anti-Obama documentary.

“Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama’s baby mama!” the screen read.

Today, Malkin writes:

“I did not write the caption and I was not aware of it when it ran (the Baltimore studio doesn’t have a monitor). I don’t know if the caption writer was making a lame attempt to be hip, clueless about the original etymology of the phrase, or both.”

Fox News issued this statement today from Bill Shine, senior vicepresident of programming for Fox News Channel.

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron
during the segment.”

For more about Michelle Obama, see this article in The Swamp.



For more about Michelle Obama and Fox News, see this article by Salon’s Alex Koppelman.

Okay it takes quite a bit to get under my skin when it comes to racism. I am not one who “plays the race card,” or blames other people for the problems in the black community. But I am also not one who believes that racism doesn’t exist or that it has ended in this country by any means.

I do have to say that the people at Fox News have stooped beyond low with their supposed fair and balanced coverage. And it is amazing to me that otherwise good hearted, normal, everyday people cannot see past some imaginary political loyalty, and realize the absolute hatred, bias, and exclusion that is spewed on this channel. How can anyone watch this tabloid news station and take anything that is reported there seriously?

So I am sure you are wondering why this particular blunder is so offensive and yes, absolutely racist.
Very simply, if Michelle Obama was anything other than black, this crap would not have scrolled across the television screen. What is even more offensive, is the fact that this woman, as many women in the past is a potential first lady of our country. The closest thing that the United states has to royalty, and yet this anti-news cable news station would stoop so low as to use such a derogatory term when referring to her. A term that does not in any form of the imagination apply to this intelligent, accomplished, MARRIED woman.

Now either Fox news is comprised of a bunch of racists who have decided that it is okay to practice hidden racism in order to get their point across, they are really just that desperate for ratings, or they really are a bunch of squares with no real concept of the slang terms and “fist bumps” that are popular in today’s society. I suspect the the truth is a combination of all three.

It usually takes a lot for me to get upset about things like this. I usually chalk these things up to ignorance and I try to live my life in a way that uplifts everyone regardless of race. I would like to think that this presidential race for once could possibly be about the issues and fixing the problems that are really, really, wrong with this country. But as most political races go, this one will have its share of nastiness as well. It is just so sad that it may have to involve the more insidious issue of race.

What really makes me even more upset is the fact that if Obama in anyway ever suggests the truth, that black people are still deeply affected by race in this country and that we are angry, and that in many ways we do want acknowledgment, he would be vilified. It is amazing how it is okay to speak in racial terms when you are belittling a whole race of people as has occured in this country for decades, but it is just an outrage when a black person stands up and defends him or herself for being belittled. I have heard more than once, “get over it, slavery is over.”

When Rev. Wright was exposed as a hate monger and a racist, everyone was up in arms. Oh how could this man say these things about our country? I don’t agree with everything that he said and I don’t agree that we should be teaching hatred, but I do believe that as citizens of this country, we do have to say that sometimes it is very hard and very painful to endure a lot of the madness that comes our way. And these things are not things to be proud of.

Basically, if getting over what has happened to us as a people is what we are expected to do, then maybe I will get over it when Cindy McCain, Laura Bush, and Jackie O. are referred to as somebody’s baby mamma. At least then I will feel that as a black woman, I am on a level playing field.

Life Moment

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , on June 11, 2008 by O.

Okay so the Snoop Dogg tickets arrived. I know, the Diva Muse and snoop? How could I? Box seats! VIP passes! Oh heck yeah, I am definitely there.

It’s funny, I have listened to his music for as long as he has been famous, but he was never one of my favorite artists. Still he has some witty lyrics, some real catchy hooks, and his beats have always been funky. And then this last album, which is a complete departure from what I had heard in the past, really impressed me.

I saw him in a concert that he was performing in for the military last month. It was one of those with a bunch of different artists, and he was one of the featured ones. He completely rocked the house. I didn’t only dance, but I actually had fun.

I hope that as a headliner his performance is just as awesome. A fifteen minute performance is one thing, but a whole evening? Well, all I know is, he better bring it.

Either way, I will definitely be writing about it all. The good, the bad, and I am sure I will see a whole lot of ugly.

Blog Review

Posted in Art, Life, Relationships with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2008 by O.

Since I am fairly new to the blogging world, I have been perusing different blogs to get a feel of what others are presenting in terms of content, design, and wit. I love reading blogs that are funny, sardonic, touching, informative, and/or written from a novel point of view. Our first Blog Review is a poetry blog that I have admired for a while, Ravens Wing Poetry: The Poetry of Nicole Nicholson.

I had my first glimpse into Raven’s Wing Poetry when Nicole commented on a poem that I had written and I have to say that I was more than impressed. She impressed me once again when she composed the poem Intuition inspired by Bootylicious Rule #7.

If you love poetry and even if you don’t you can’t help but be inspired by Nicole’s ability to bring forth a great deal of emotion while still using an economy of words. She makes the reader feel that each word has been carefully chosen to allow the reader an opportunity to see what she sees, not only with her eyes, but also with her heart.

Her latest post April 4, 1968 speaks about the day in which the world lost one of its most respected and revered leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., taking us back to that moment in history that many wish had never taken place.

In her poem, Father, she offers a fleeting glimpse into her relationship with her father and how she is seeking to know him. This poem not only tugs at the reader’s heartstrings, but also prompts the reader to question her own parental relationships.

And my favorite poem, The Worst Advice That I Have Ever Received, is a surprising and humorous short poem essentially about not always listening to others, and following one’s own heart.

I do hope that you will take the time to pay a visit to this wonderful Poetry Blog. Nicole does an awesome job in touching the reader with her simple and refreshing poetry style. She is definitely a Poetry Diva. You will most certainly not be disappointed.

Five Tips for Dealing With a Player and Surviving

Posted in happiness, Life, Love, Relationships with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 10, 2008 by O.

It always amazes me when I see otherwise, strong, beautiful, accomplished, intelligent women lose their minds over a man. I am not talking about a husband that you have been married to or have had children with, who after he lulled you into a false sense of security, decided to go bad. Or a boyfriend who has pledged his undying love to you and has been consistent and honorable for the most part but decides that after a long courtship, he doesn’t want to be with you anymore. Most of us have experienced that kind of heart ache and it is not easy to handle. But at least you had something tangible from the relationship for however long it lasted. At least he was “yours”.

No, I am talking about women who lose their minds over a player. We all know who the players are. I am talking about the man we all know who is not relationship material from day one. The married man who is never going to leave his wife. The booty call guy who rings your phone or pops up drunk after the club. The guy with 3 babies mommas. The guy who’s cell phone is always blowing up and who has five different women on his “top 8” on Myspace claiming that they are in love with him. That guy. We all know him. We all love him, but let’s face it, he is not going to be your husband, he is not your boyfriend, and if your heart is not equipped enough to handle him, then you should probably save yourself while you can and move out quickly.

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A Glimpse Into My Life

Posted in happiness, Life, Personal, Relationships with tags , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2008 by O.

My hubby had his knee scoped on Thursday. He was a total surgery virgin, so it has been an ordeal with him from pre-op until this very moment. He was nervous about going under so from Tuesday until they wheeled him into surgery, he was acting really weird and cagey. I kept trying to reassure him that it would be the best sleep that he would ever have, but of course he didn’t believe me, he never does.

They had us arrive at 1100 am to the hospital, of course, they didn’t take him into surgery until almost 3. He is not a man who is used to missing meals, so of course as time went on, he complained about how hungry and uncomfortable he was because of course he couldn’t have anything to eat or drink after midnight the night before.

Apparently when he was wheeled into the OR, he was under the anesthesia, but didn’t know it because the doctor said that he was quite the comedian. I can’t imagine what he could have said in there and frankly I don’t even want to know. After the procedure, he was still high from the anesthesia and still talking way too much. But everything went well, and I was able to take him home. Suffice it to say, since Thursday, I have not had a full night’s sleep. I love him, but i gotta say he is quite the difficult patient.

In order to know what I am talking about when it comes to my patient, you have to know that he is an incredibly Type A, no nonsense, Army Officer who still looks 18 years old and is very fit and has never been seriously ill. Having said that, anyone who takes care of people for a living knows that this is the worst kind of patient. These types of patients have a sense of entitlement, they have to be reminded to say please and thank you. They drive the kids crazy because they order them around, and they try to recover too fast, almost ensuring a set back, which means that you have to take care of them even longer.

He was prescribed Percocet for the pain, but he can’t really take it because it makes him kind of loopy, and renders him unable to censor himself. The first two days I thought I would strangle him, but the feeling soon passed. He is now taking the Tylenol, but because his threshold for pain is not terribly high, the slightest bit of discomfort is just unacceptable for him. It is amazing to me how such a normally strong, strapping man, can be such a baby when he is in a little pain. Makes me proud to be a woman. We have can have debilitating PMS followed by even worse periods, birth the babies, still clean the whole house and still go to work the next day.

Last night he woke up at around 3AM complaining that he was cold and wanting to finish a conversation that we had earlier (during normal waking hours) where I did all of the talking and he just looked at me. I got him a blanket and told him to take his ass back to sleep. He will be on leave for another week. After that, I guess I will be able to get some sleep.

I do hope that his knee heals properly and that he is okay, not just for his sake, but for mine too. I am pretty much, running on coffee and adrenaline, but I am trying to be here for him. Still, I would be lying if I said that I didn’t wish for him to hurry up and get well soon. 

Real Sexiness

Posted in beauty, Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2008 by O.

There is a wide misconception that being sexy means being naked. That wearing a low cut blouse or having half your butt hanging out is a sign of true sexiness. This can’t be more wrong. But unfortunately many people have bought into this, which is why we see more and more women and especially teen girls being willing to take it off or show a little bit more to get noticed.

Sexiness has nothing to do with clothing or nudity, sexiness is a way of being, a state of mind. I wish I could yell it from the tallest building or make billboards for all to see and understand. Sexiness is most often not about sex and it is really is in the mind of the beholder.

As with everything though, there are some general things that go along with being sexy. So let’s talk about it. The first thing that comes to mind when thinking or describing what’s sexy or for our purposes, what is a sexy woman, I have often heard that it is in the way that she carries herself.

A sexy woman, no matter what size or shape feels very comfortable in her skin. It shows in the way she walks, sits, stands, and even her facial expressions. A sexy woman has a certain fluidity to her movements, she is usually very graceful and deliberate. Of course this isn’t always the case, there are exceptions. Some women are very sexy in their clumsiness. Not the kind of clumsiness where she walks like a linebacker, but clumsy like when she walks on her tippy toes in heels because she thinks that she is probably going to fall.

I have also heard it said that women who are smart are very sexy. Something about bookworms that seems to drive men crazy. So ladies, it is okay to read, or speak on an intellectual level, or to know stuff. Chances are, this is going to make you more desirable than if you stand there twirling your hair and playing helpless and dumb. Although, I am sure that these things have their place too.

One of the qualities that is sexy in both men and women is confidence. There is just something so appealing about a confident person. Someone who knows what they want, and how to get it. Someone who walks with their head held high, and who has a certain swagger. To me, this is the sexiest quality of all.

So when it boils right down to it, it doesn’t really matter if we are showing just enough skin to avoid jail time, or if our cleavage is up to our eyeballs, or even if we know the latest pole dancing tricks. What matters is how we feel about ourselves, how bootylicious we think we are even when no none else does and how we project our own personal brand of real sexiness to the world around us.

Bootylicious Rule #14 Save the Drama for Your Mama

Posted in Life, Relationships with tags , , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2008 by O.

Save the drama for your mama it is not a new saying, but it is still a very relevant one. We all know her, that one friend who’s life is one movie after another. She is not alive unless there is some crisis, life threatening situation, or world ending scenario that she is facing.

She is the friend who sends the food back several times because it just isn’t to her liking, she complains about the movie or the choice of restaurant, or the sales clerk at the store, or her kids or her significant other constantly. Every time something doesn’t go her way, she believes it is because the world is against her or that people are out to get her.

I will be honest, people like this make me really tired. I have had more than one friendship fall by the wayside because I just couldn’t allow myself to be caught up in the day to day craziness that I was having to deal with every time I picked up the phone or spent time in their presence.

To read more on Bootylicious Rule #14, please visit my sister blog, All Things Bootylicious.