Archive for rants

Obama Baby Mama? Are They Serious?

Posted in Life, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 12, 2008 by O.

by Katie Fretland and updated

A Fox News anchor faced backlash recently for characterizing Barack and Michelle Obama’s fist bump as possibly a “terrorist fist jab.” Now during a segment the network has displayed a screen referring to the wife of the presumptive democratic nominee as his “baby mama.”

The screen was displayed beneath a segment in which anchor Megyn Kelly interviewed Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger. The segment discussed a conservative group’s planned anti-Obama documentary.

“Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama’s baby mama!” the screen read.

Today, Malkin writes:

“I did not write the caption and I was not aware of it when it ran (the Baltimore studio doesn’t have a monitor). I don’t know if the caption writer was making a lame attempt to be hip, clueless about the original etymology of the phrase, or both.”

Fox News issued this statement today from Bill Shine, senior vicepresident of programming for Fox News Channel.

“A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using this chyron
during the segment.”

For more about Michelle Obama, see this article in The Swamp.



For more about Michelle Obama and Fox News, see this article by Salon’s Alex Koppelman.

Okay it takes quite a bit to get under my skin when it comes to racism. I am not one who “plays the race card,” or blames other people for the problems in the black community. But I am also not one who believes that racism doesn’t exist or that it has ended in this country by any means.

I do have to say that the people at Fox News have stooped beyond low with their supposed fair and balanced coverage. And it is amazing to me that otherwise good hearted, normal, everyday people cannot see past some imaginary political loyalty, and realize the absolute hatred, bias, and exclusion that is spewed on this channel. How can anyone watch this tabloid news station and take anything that is reported there seriously?

So I am sure you are wondering why this particular blunder is so offensive and yes, absolutely racist.
Very simply, if Michelle Obama was anything other than black, this crap would not have scrolled across the television screen. What is even more offensive, is the fact that this woman, as many women in the past is a potential first lady of our country. The closest thing that the United states has to royalty, and yet this anti-news cable news station would stoop so low as to use such a derogatory term when referring to her. A term that does not in any form of the imagination apply to this intelligent, accomplished, MARRIED woman.

Now either Fox news is comprised of a bunch of racists who have decided that it is okay to practice hidden racism in order to get their point across, they are really just that desperate for ratings, or they really are a bunch of squares with no real concept of the slang terms and “fist bumps” that are popular in today’s society. I suspect the the truth is a combination of all three.

It usually takes a lot for me to get upset about things like this. I usually chalk these things up to ignorance and I try to live my life in a way that uplifts everyone regardless of race. I would like to think that this presidential race for once could possibly be about the issues and fixing the problems that are really, really, wrong with this country. But as most political races go, this one will have its share of nastiness as well. It is just so sad that it may have to involve the more insidious issue of race.

What really makes me even more upset is the fact that if Obama in anyway ever suggests the truth, that black people are still deeply affected by race in this country and that we are angry, and that in many ways we do want acknowledgment, he would be vilified. It is amazing how it is okay to speak in racial terms when you are belittling a whole race of people as has occured in this country for decades, but it is just an outrage when a black person stands up and defends him or herself for being belittled. I have heard more than once, “get over it, slavery is over.”

When Rev. Wright was exposed as a hate monger and a racist, everyone was up in arms. Oh how could this man say these things about our country? I don’t agree with everything that he said and I don’t agree that we should be teaching hatred, but I do believe that as citizens of this country, we do have to say that sometimes it is very hard and very painful to endure a lot of the madness that comes our way. And these things are not things to be proud of.

Basically, if getting over what has happened to us as a people is what we are expected to do, then maybe I will get over it when Cindy McCain, Laura Bush, and Jackie O. are referred to as somebody’s baby mamma. At least then I will feel that as a black woman, I am on a level playing field.

Another Naked Thought

Posted in fashion, Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2008 by O.

Okay, so this is the third post about some form of nudity in as many days. But I have to honestly say, given the choice between clothes and no clothes, I would choose to just put perfume on and go any day.

When you think about it, clothes are such a hassle. Nothing ever fits like it’s supposed to. If you have a little extra, you have to adjust it so it fits. Or add the dreaded foundation garments. Then there are all the bumps and bulges and ridges that you have to deal with if you weigh more than 100 pounds. A size 8 fits like a 10 or a 2 depending on the designer. And now, what is this skinny jean madness? I hated them the first time around in the 80’s and now they are back. I’m sorry, but boot cut and low rise will always be my friend, of course that is when the designer has half a brain to make the waist in the low rise pants wide enough to accommodate those of us who actually have hips and butts.

It is a never ending struggle to find the right outfit for the right occasion. Formal, semi-formal, casual. I could spend a lifetime picking out, coordinating, and accessorizing every outfit for every event. Or I could just go nude and add jewelry and cute shoes.

Think about it. Formal= A sparkly slip on shoe, diamond earrings and necklace to match and a cute little clutch for lipstick. Business Attire= Too easy, my birthday suit, pearls and black or navy pumps depending on the statement I want to make. Casual= Hello! Flip flops!!

Can you imagine how much time we would save in the morning? And if we get cold, Pashminas in every color or even a sleek poncho should do the trick. Just think of how much money we could save too.

I guess the only real problem with the whole idea though, is that if I am naked, everyone else would be naked too. And frankly, not everyone looks so good naked.

On second thought, maybe skinny jeans aren’t so bad after all.

Bird Baths and Chips or Disgusting Habits That People Have That I Knew Nothing About

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 28, 2008 by O.

I just encountered an interesting occurrence in one of my online groups that I had no idea was taking place in the world. There are actually people who urinate in the shower. I may be a little naive here, but this is something that never would have even occurred to me if the topic hadn’t been brought up in one of my online groups.

The general idea here is that it goes down the drain, you are going to wash it off anyway, and it all goes to the same place. I am sorry to those who may do this, but I am thoroughly disgusted by this whole idea that some see as novel and time saving.

I mentioned that I thought that these things should be done in separate places. The whole point of being in the shower is to clean yourself correct? It would seem that bodily functions like peeing and the like should remain in the toilet. You wouldn’t poop or attempt to poop in the shower, that would just be disgusting, isn’t urinating there in many ways the same? And you certainly wouldn’t clean yourself with toilet water, so why use your shower as a toilet. I don’t get it.

I also commented on the fact that the whole act to me is the equivalent of spitting in the kitchen sink, an equally disgusting act in my opinion. Well no sooner than I posted my comment, a young lady in the group replied that although she thought peeing in the shower was gross, she didn’t see anything wrong with spitting in the kitchen sink, after all, used silverware has saliva on it and we put that in the sink. Uggh!!!

I am afraid to ask my husband if he has ever used our shower as a toilet. I saw him spit in our kitchen sink once and I almost lost my mind. So although I have never seen him use the shower in that manner, I really do have to wonder what he does when I am not there.

At this point, I am so grossed out, I may never eat or take a shower again. It may just be bird baths and chips for me from now on. ( ;

Braless Wonder

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 27, 2008 by O.

I have to make it known that I am so anti bra, it is not even funny. They itch, they tug, they pull, and they make your chi chi’s look like bullets.

The under wire always comes out just enough to poke you right in the most sensitive spot at the most inopportune times. Like when you’re giving a presentation or talking to someone really important. You can’t just say excuse me while I adjust my boob because the stinkin piece of metal is boring a hole through one of my mammary glands… Read More

Bootylicious Rule #9 Divas Don’t Wallow

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on May 26, 2008 by O.

We all have to deal with things in life that are not pleasant, or that make us sad, and sometimes things that may seem even downright horrible. And we have every right to feel the feelings that these events stir up in us; we should acknowledge them and deal with them as they come. But something we should never allow ourselves to do, no matter how tempting and easy it may be, is to let ourselves wallow in self pity.

It is so easy to get stuck in the cycle of feeling sorry for ourselves, or beating ourselves up, or even blaming ourselves for the the bad that comes into our lives. It is especially easy when we feel as if we have nowhere to turn or that no one understands. But we have to look within ourselves and find the strength that is sometimes lying dormant and draw from it to move beyond the things that threaten to keep us down and take us out.

Holding on to old hurts, or even dwelling too long on new ones can destroy not only our outlook on life, but our mental and physical health as well. The inverse of this, is dealing with the issues head on, speaking up when we need to, and or leaving situations that bring us discomfort and unhappiness. And drawing strength from the knowledge that others may be enduring something even worse than what we may be facing.

I am not saying that it is easy, or that we will always be towers of Teflon strength deflecting every evil that comes our way with ease and finesse so that nothing every bothers us. That is unrealistic. But I do believe that if we understand that sometimes we are going to have to endure pain, injustice, and even drama, we can prepare ourselves to go through it coming out only slightly bruised and more wise, rather than staying stuck in it and allowing it to destroy who we truly are.

This post was inspired by the article, After Yesterday’s Little Rant on
Lwayswright’s Webblog
Please check it out, it is definitely a good read.

Where Have All the Manners Gone?

Posted in happiness, Life with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2008 by O.

Do manners still exist? Or have we lost all semblance of common courtesy?

Today I was in line at Michael’s, the craft store and I had just finished making my purchase. I was situating myself, putting away my change and other things, (to include the receipt that the salesperson insisted upon putting in the bag even though I clearly had my hand extended to take it and put in my wallet) when the next customer along with her friends decided to move up right into my personal space. One girl was standing directly behind me practically breathing down my neck. So while I’m trying to get situated, I drop my change on the floor. I know I shouldn’t expect anything from anybody or jump to conclusions about what a person is thinking, but is it too much to ask for someone to offer to help me pick up my change or in the very least, not crowd my personal space? Instead the girl just stood there with her arms folded watching me search for my money and not moving out of my way.

A couple of weeks ago, I walked into the store that provides my cell phone service hoping to receive some help with my cell phone problem. The lady behind the counter was using her Blue Tooth earpiece to talk to a customer on the phone. She did acknowledge me when I walked in, although with no eye contact, but rather a simple, “I am helping a customer right now, I will be with you in a minute.” That wasn’t so bad I guess. Then another younger saleslady comes out and helps me. So I tell her my problem. “None of the sensors on my phone work. I can’t unlock it or dial out.” I try to hand her the phone, but she acts like she doesn’t want to touch it. She has this unconcerned look on her face like she had somewhere else to be. So anyway, I show her what I am talking about, pressing the screen repeatedly and holding up the phone so that she sees that nothing is happening. Finally, she asked me to let her see. I hand her the phone, and she turns it off with the button at the top and then turns it back on. It goes off and then powers back on. She hands it back and says, “It works for me.” “Yes, you can turn it on and off, but you can’t do anything else,” I say getting a little frustrated. Before we could finish this exchange the same lady who had the invisible Blue Tooth customer yells across the store to the girl who was helping me. She asked her about some customer that she had helped earlier and if she had some paper work. The young lady responded that she would grab it in a minute. Apparently the Blue Tooth lady wasn’t satisfied with this answer because she said something along the lines of having the customer on the phone and needing the information asap. The lady who was helping me turned back to me and basically told me in a very dismissive manner that she wasn’t going to be able to fix my problem because I was going to have to contact the manufacturer of the phone. I informed her that I basically knew this was the case, but I have another phone that I could use in the meantime, I just need for her to activate that phone for me instead. She ended up telling me how to do that myself and sent me on the way. I was satisfied with her answer, no matter how dry and abrupt the delivery, but I couldn’t help but wonder why treating someone warmly was clearly not a priority in this store, even if there is no solution to the problem, treating a person warmly doesn’t cost anything. And why is the freakin customer on the phone more important than the one standing in the store?

This has been a source of frustration for me for as long as I can remember, but the innovative technology that we now possess seems to add an even more obnoxious element to situations like this. I don’t expect people to bend over backward for me, nor do I expect them to help me if they don’t want to. In fact, I have learned not to expect much of most people (especially home training). But I do wish that people would exercise simple manners and realize that we should not see the presence of other individuals in the world as a source of annoyance, but rather an opportunity to serve and be served.

Manners and courtesy can take you a long way, they or not a sign of weakness. Sometimes an offer of help carries just as much weight as actually doing a good a deed, and eye contact and a nice warm smile are just two small gestures that can yield large rewards in any situation. Perhaps next time I should forego all of the above though, and be as bitchy to them as they are to me. But of course that will never happen, my mama raised me better than that.