Archive for size

Another Naked Thought

Posted in fashion, Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2008 by O.

Okay, so this is the third post about some form of nudity in as many days. But I have to honestly say, given the choice between clothes and no clothes, I would choose to just put perfume on and go any day.

When you think about it, clothes are such a hassle. Nothing ever fits like it’s supposed to. If you have a little extra, you have to adjust it so it fits. Or add the dreaded foundation garments. Then there are all the bumps and bulges and ridges that you have to deal with if you weigh more than 100 pounds. A size 8 fits like a 10 or a 2 depending on the designer. And now, what is this skinny jean madness? I hated them the first time around in the 80’s and now they are back. I’m sorry, but boot cut and low rise will always be my friend, of course that is when the designer has half a brain to make the waist in the low rise pants wide enough to accommodate those of us who actually have hips and butts.

It is a never ending struggle to find the right outfit for the right occasion. Formal, semi-formal, casual. I could spend a lifetime picking out, coordinating, and accessorizing every outfit for every event. Or I could just go nude and add jewelry and cute shoes.

Think about it. Formal= A sparkly slip on shoe, diamond earrings and necklace to match and a cute little clutch for lipstick. Business Attire= Too easy, my birthday suit, pearls and black or navy pumps depending on the statement I want to make. Casual= Hello! Flip flops!!

Can you imagine how much time we would save in the morning? And if we get cold, Pashminas in every color or even a sleek poncho should do the trick. Just think of how much money we could save too.

I guess the only real problem with the whole idea though, is that if I am naked, everyone else would be naked too. And frankly, not everyone looks so good naked.

On second thought, maybe skinny jeans aren’t so bad after all.